Sunday, September 14, 2008

Strength in Weakness

For some reason events from this weekend started me thinking about Superman. I have always loved the character of Superman and to think that there could be someone who was so strong and seemingly indestructible and yet one small thing could bring him to his knees and render him pretty much useless. As we all know that one thing is kryptonite. Having kryptonite even near him would weaken his resolve and could you imagine the damage if he ever ingested any of it. what if that kryptonite was allowed to corrupt his entire system and take over his heart?

Sin is alot like kryptonite. Some types affect us more than others and each person reacts to it differently. Yet, for each of us there is that one sin that keeps coming back time after time even though we seem to be so strong and indestructible in other situations. We have those things that break down our resolve and seem to strip us of all of our strength. Just being near it renders us weak and practically useless. And some of us go to the extremes and that sin becomes a part of who we are and quickly takes over our heart.

Though there is one big difference between us and Superman. When we are rendered weak and useless we have a strength that is stronger than anything this world has to offer. When we are useless, we are able to be used and formed into something new and useful. When we are at the end of ourselves that is when Christ begins and His strength is more than anything we can imagine. His resolve never fails! He is our shield and defender against the kryptonite of this world!

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