Monday, September 08, 2008

A Bit of Nostalgia

Over Labor Day weekend my family took a little trip back in time. We went up to Bartlesville to the kiddie park. I remember going to this kiddie park when I was little and it hasn't changed much at all since I was 6! Actually the park has been there for 40 years and hasn't changed much since my oldest brother was 6 either. It really did feel like stepping back in time. I even faced the roller coaster that terrified me when I was a kid and made me scared of roller coasters until about 3 years ago! Though I could have sworn that I remember it being much bigger! :) The girls had a ton of fun riding all the rides. And the best part of all is that all the rides are still either 25 or 50 cents each!

The "Big" scary roller coaster!
The amazingly cool airplanes

The girls really enjoyed riding the boats.

1 comment:

gail said...

I think it's been open since around 1947.