This summer was defiantly a restarting point for me. There were quite few things that changed. Some were anticipated and others were complete surprises, yet as always God always works things for the good of those who love Him. Now that the craziness has died down, well most of it anyway,it seems as though a new chapter in my life is ready to begin. The only problem is that I seem to have writers block!
There are so many ideas I have running through my head of what I would like the next chapter of my life to look like. Some would work well together, others wouldn't work at all! Some of the random thoughts I have total control over like getting a Masters Degree and paying off my debt. Other things are contingent upon other people somewhat, like wanting to buy a house. And others I have no control over at this point at all like getting married and starting a family of my own. Needless to say at some points I feel stuck. Like I know I don't want to go back to where I was before and yet I can't seem to move forward.
Since the weather has been so cool the last couple of days I have gone out on my bike and ridden, 5.5 miles yesterday and 7.5 miles today. I really enjoy riding because it gets me out in nature and I have time to think. There are no distractions besides the occasional walker on the trail that you don't want to run over. Today after my ride I decided that really what I need to do to start over is to really get back into the word. Over the last year that is something that has really been lacking in my life. What better way to figure out what direction the story is going in my life then to ask the true author and study His writings!
I went up to Skia, a local coffee/Christian bookstore, and picked up an inductive study on 1 and 2 Corinthians. It is entitled God's Answers for Relationships and Passions, I figured this is just what I need after all the relational craziness I have endured the past year. I have done inductive bible studies before and really enjoyed them because it is not someones commentary that you read and think about. It actually teaches you to really look at the bible and guides you to draw your own conclusions from the text. It teaches you to use scripture to explain scripture and to really search the word of God. I really don't like bible studies that ask corny questions, so the inductive style is great for me. Though it does take alot of work and time to really sit down and study the word for yourself.
Anyway at the end of each week there is a discussion part that overviews what you have learned for the week and helps to put everything together. Since I don't have anyone that I am doing this study with I decided I would share it with all of you! Don't you feel special :) Plus, I figure if I am sharing it with someone else than it will keep me motivated to do it every day.
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