Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Lesson 1

I know that I said I would write an overview every week but tonight's lesson was really great! I read 1 Corinthians 1 and focused on who the letter was written to what Paul's concerns and reasons for writing were.

The letter was sent to Corinth specifically but is addressed to all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:2) This means that that this letter is addressed to all of us!

Paul's description of the people receiving this letter is very glowing. He says they have been enriched in every way in all their speaking and all their knowledge. (1:5) They are not lacking any spiritual gifts and they are eagerly awaiting for Jesus to be revealed. (1:7) Which to me says that they are spiritually alive and whole heartedly seeking after God. If you are eagerly awaiting something you are fully committed to it! He also says that they are called by God into fellowship with his Son Jesus (1:9) just as we are all called.

What I love the most about this description is that it could be written to about the people in my church right now today. People who are striving hard after God and God is using them.

Even though they have what seems to be such a glowing report there are still things of which Paul is concerned. He wishes for them to be unified in mind and thought. (1:10) There have apparently been quarrels among them that stem from who's teaching they are following. Many of them have started putting the foundation of what they believe on the teachings of men, though they were great men, instead of seeking the Truth for themselves.

I find myself in this trap many times. I love to read and enjoy books on the Christian life and different peoples perspectives. And sometimes I fall into the same trap as these believers in Corinth. I start putting to much faith in what other people, though they are great men of God, instead of digging into the word and checking out the truth for myself.

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