Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Dose of Reality!

I have been totally pumped this week about Thanksgiving Vacation and getting to spend some time with my family! I have also been making a great point to let EVERYONE know that I have the entire week off not just 3 days :)However, in the midst of this crazy week I have had some sobering news. Some news that makes me want to hold on to my family just a little tighter and to take in every thing with a little more detail.

At the beginning of the week my good friend Amy called to tell me that her dad had gone to the doctor and they had found spots on his lungs and on one of his kidneys. They haven't done a biopsy yet but they are pretty sure that it is cancer. Then today I was reading a friends blog, the title of his latest entry was odd. It said How John Met Cancer. My first thought was that one of his family members had been diagnosed. He is only 26 so it never crossed my mind that it might in fact be him with cancer. As I read on I was totally taken back by the fact that indeed this young man who just turned 26 this last week has been diagnosed with grade III Follicular Lymphoma. He went from having his tonsils out to having cancer in the course of a week.

You never know when someone around you may become very ill. Really we never know just how much time we really have with those we love. So this Thanksgiving don't take those you love for granted, hold them a little tighter, take in every detail, and thank God for all the time you get to spend with them. And please keep my friends John and Amy and their families in your prayers this holiday season.

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